Get cookin'!


Cooking does not have to be hard.
Check out these detailed step-by-step recipes, that will teach you how to cook some classic recipes.


You will need:
2 tbsp butter, 200g flour, 2 tsp baking powder, 1 pinch of salt, 170ml milk or buttermilk, 2 eggs, 5 tbsp sugar, butter for the pan


melt the butter


Mix in eggs, sugar and milk, then the dry ingredients. Let sit for 15 minutes.


Heat a pan to medium heat and add a little bit of butter. Ladle in the dough and let the pancakes bake until they form bubbles.


Flip the pancakes and bake until cooked through.


Serve with powdered sugar, fruit, applesauce, nutella, caramel sauce...


For the dough, you will need: 250g flour, 1 heaped tsp dried yeast, 1 tsp sugar, 140ml luke warm water, 1 tsp salt, 1 tbsp olive oil.
Combine yeast, sugar and water and let it sit for a few minutes, then add it to the flour.


Add salt and olive oil.


Combine everything in the bowl, then transfer it onto a clean surface.


Knead the dough until it comes together; if it feels too sticky or dry, add a tiny bit more water or flour.


Keep kneading until your dough is smooth, about 10 minutes.


Cover the dough with cling film, a tea towel or the lid of your bowl (don't seal that completely), then place it at a warm spot, e.g. close to a radiator. You can also preheat your oven to 50°C, then turn it off and place the dough in there fill the sink with warm water and place the bowl in there. Let the dough prove for around 1 hour or until it has doubled in size.


Meanwhile, make the sauce by combining the following ingredients: 250ml tomato passata, 1 clove garlic (minced), 1 tbsp oregano or italian herbs, 1 tsp sugar, 1 tsp salt, ground black pepper.


Preheat your oven to 180°C.
Roll out the dough until around 3mm thick and place it on a lined of greased baking tray.


Cover with tomato sauce, add whatever toppings you like (sliced mushrooms, tomatoes, tuna, sausage - there are (almost) no limits; but keep in mind, the higher you pile on the toppings the higher the chances are that you will end up with soggy dough...). Cover with cheese e.g. grated or diced mozzarella.


Bake the pizza at 180°C for around 20-30 minutes or until the cheese turns golden and the crust is crispy. Feel free to add fresh topping like basil or rocket.


When selecting your serving, keep in mind that depending on the type of rice it may expand [before]


The commonly used Basmati can get 5x bigger! [after]


With a sieve, clean your rice under running tap water, this will get rid of white powder that makes the rice gummy


To see if its cleared enough, place the rice into a pan or another dark container and add water, if the water turns cloudy you need to keep cleaning


Once water is clear, rice is ready to cook, add enough water so aboce 1cm of the rice is covered


take rice out, place water in stove, add salt and get it to boil. Basmati rice needs quite a bit of salt


Once water is boiling, add rice, turn heat to medium so it is sizzingly. Leave to cook for about 10min


Try the rice, if its soft its done. Enjoy!


You will need: 240g flour (type 00 or strong/bread flour), 150ml water, 1 tsp salt


Mix ingredients together in a bowl.


Pour the crumbs onto a clean surface.


Start kneading until the crumbs come together and form a dough.


Keep kneading. If you feel like it is to sticky or dry, add a little bit more flour or water.


Alternate kneading the dough for a few minutes with short periods of rest. The dough will gradually become smoother.


Once you've got a smooth dough, cover it with cling film or put it into a zip-lock bag, and let it rest at room temperature for at least 30 minutes.


Generously dust the worktop with flour, divide the dough into 4 pieces and roll out them out until they're around 1mm thick. Meanwhile, cover the remaining pieces with cling film to prevent them from drying.


Now you have to decide on the shape of your pasta. For pappardelle - wide pasta ribbons - make sure the sheet of dough is dusted with flour on both sides, then fold it in half twice. This will make it easier to cut straight ribbons.
At this point you should have a large pot with boiling salted water ready to cook the pasta.


Cut ribbons of your desired width and gently separate the layers. Transfer the pasta into the boiling water and cook them until al dente - this will only take a few minutes, so make sure to check them regularly. Alternatively, you can store the pasta for later by letting it air-dry (make sure that individual pieces don't touch each other or they will stick).