Get cookin'!


250 g steak
1 tsp butter
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 clove garlic
1/2 tbsp oil

1. If frozen, make sure your steak is room temperature.
2. Add salt to both sides of raw steak, don't be afraid to overdo it. * PRO TIP: Place salt on one side, press lightly onto the steak to the salt sticks! Turn over and do the same on the other side
3. Place frying pan onto stove, turn heating medium, let pan heat
4. Add oil, let it warm up
5. Add steak slowly, when placing it hold one end of the steak and place the other end onto the pan, do this in a forward motion to avoid any oil spilling onto you
6. Let the steak sit, once it the colour change has occured in more than half of the steak
7. Turn steak over, let it sit for a minute
8. Cut glove into 3
9. Add butter and add garlic.
10. Move pan slowly around to create a sauce
11. Cook steak as you wish!

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